3E Program Professional DevelopmentPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Contact Person *Title *School or Organization *Address where PD will be heldNumber of Participants *Lesson Plan Topic *-America: The First CrimeOppressed By DesignBlack Wall StreetTuskegee Syphilis ExperimentExecution of Civil Rights LeadersAmerican DreamMass IncacerationPolice BrutalityReparationsIf more than one lesson plan topic, write down below in the PD Date/ Time box, along with dates and times.Hours Needed *2 Hours 3 HoursLesson Plan for PD review (i.e Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment 1.2) 2 Hours - Overview of the Program: 3E Program introduction, Topic Question, Supporting Questions & Tasks, Reflection and Engagement Activities, and assessments. Review materials and resources and provide implementation strategies. 3 Hours - Overview of the Program : 3E Program introduction, Topic Question, Supporting Questions & Tasks, Reflection and Engagement Activities, and assessments. Review materials and resources and provide implementation strategies. This option affords the participant to be students while the instructors take them through a specific lesson, from beginning to end, and assign them the tasks that their students will be completing.PD Dates/ Times *Enter the dates and times you would like to hold professional development workshops.Submit