3E Program for Social Justice and Change

Want to Use Our 3E Program Curriculum for Free? Join Our Pilot Program!

Here’s How:
Step 1: fill out the quote form. There are no fees to pilot the program, however we require you to answer the questions on our form. If you are a teacher or school personnel, fill out the form for district and school orders.  If you are a community based organization, fill out the youth program and organization form.
Step 2: Sign our pilot program agreement. Once we receive your completed form, we will send you our pilot agreement. When you sign the agreement, you are agreeing to uphold the integrity of our lesson plans by sticking to the curriculum we created, and using our wording which consists of people first language. You are also agreeing to measure the impact of the program by using our assessments in your class. Consent to photos, videos, and testimonials is also required. 
Step 3: When we receive your reply email with the signed agreement, we will send you a username and password to access the curriculum and materials digitally. Our 3E Program curriculum book is available upon request, and must be returned. The book and digital materials contain the same information. 
3E Program quote form for district and school orders
3E Program quote form for youth program and organization orders
How You Benefit:
  • Changes in your students’ attitudes toward racism
  • Your students develop empathy
  • Your students develop their moral compass
  • Your students become empowered to advocate for themselves and their communities
    How the 3E Program Benefits: 
    • Photos
    • Videos
    • Testimonials
    • Program statistics