Attitudinal Survey Welcome to your 3E Program Attitudinal Survey Teacher Class Student ID# Race/ Ethnicity Is this your first or second time taking this assessment? Write in 1 or 2 1. Institutional racism exists in America.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#1 2. Racial profiling exists in America.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#2 3. Racism affects the mental health of African Americans.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#3 4. African Americans have a disadvantage when it comes to obtaining quality education.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#4 5. There is a wealth gap between African Americans and white Americans.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#5 6. Police brutality exists in America.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#6 7. Implicit bias plays a role in whether African Americans get arrested or are incarcerated.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#7 8. Police officers arrest innocent people.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#8 9. All Americans have equal access to achieving the “American Dream.”AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#9 10. Slavery was good for America.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#10 11. African Americans and white people are afforded the same opportunities when securing legal representation.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#11 12. The constitution of the U.S protects African Americans from harm and grants them rights and privileges equal to whites.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#12 13. All citizens are treated the same by police officers.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#13 14. Whites are incarcerated at the same rate as African Americans.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#14 15. The legal system is fair to all Americans.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#15 16. White Americans receive the same sentencing as African Americans for the same crime with similar circumstances.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#16 17. People that are subjected to police searches and seizures are doing something wrong.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#17 18. Government agencies were justified in targeting civil rights leaders under COINTELPRO.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#18 19. Civil rights leaders caused division among African Americans and white people.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#19 20. The U.S Government was justified in using informants to infiltrate civil rights organizations.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#20 21. Arrests of African Americans are always justified.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#21 22. The U.S Government should be held responsible for wrong doings against African Americans and the BIPOC community.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#22 23. Reparations should be paid to African Americans in the United States.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#23 24. White Americans are superior to other Americans.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#24 25. Black people are capable of owning successful businesses.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#25 26. African Americans are capable of maintaining their own communities.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#26 27. European colonists rightfully obtained land from Native Americans.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#27 28. Vagrancy laws, black codes, and the convict lease system, were necessary to maintain civil order in communities where African Americans lived and worked.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#28 29. Excessive force is necessary to stop a crime when dealing with people of color.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#29 30. The experiments that the U.S Government enlisted African Americans in caused generational harm within African American communities.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#30 31. The loss of ancestral land has negatively affected Native Americans today.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#31 32. White people should advocate for the civil rights of people of color.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#32 33. Police officers should use de-escalation tactics when dealing with African Americans in situations that might involve arrest.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#33 34. There are actions I can take to better my community.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#34 35. There’s nothing I can do to change racism and discrimination.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#35 36. I let the experts tell me what to do.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#36 37. If I wait and do nothing, everything will be fine in the end.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#38 38. I can use my voice to effect change.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#39 39. I feel ready to confront injustices when they are directed at me or others.AgreeSomewhat AgreeNeither Agree nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeDisagree#40 1 out of 4 Time's up